Hello dear readers. Today in our comprehensive blog post, we are going to take a deep dive into common quotes about attitude in Hindi Shayari, let’s explore various aspects and themes together.
This section focuses on Shayaris, which are specially tailored for girls. The bold wording reflects the independent and flamboyant personality of the new generation of women. His confident and novel attitude is favored by many cool girls.
जिस दिन मेरा मुंह खुलेगा तुम्हारी शराफत के जनाजे उठेंगे |
the day my mouth opens the funeral procession of your decency will rise |
तुम्हें लगता है कि गलत हूँ मैं तो सही हो तुम क्योंकि थोड़ा अलग हूँ मै |
you think i'm wrong so you are right because i'm a little different |
हमें किसी ने क्या कहा सब याद हैं कुछ टाइम रुक जा बस अपने वक्त का इंतजार हैं !!! |
We remember everything someone said wait for some time Just waiting for your time!!! |
Each verse of Shayaris includes the power of women, courage and sexual life. This is a new time for women to express themselves, receive themselves, and hold each other in a different way.
In this paragraph, we are going to discuss the Shayaris suitable for boys to present their attitude on Instagram. These Shayaris are usually positive, fun, optimistic and distinctive, and they often exude confidence, style and charisma.
समंदर तेरा हुआ तो क्या हुआ, मेरी कश्तियां मुझे डूबने नहीं देती । |
What if the ocean is yours? My boats do not let me sink. |
वो दिये जा रहे हैं, हम लिए जा रहे हैं, उनकी रज़ा भी, उनकी सजा भी |
They are being given, we are being taken, His pleasure and his punishment |
नाराजगी कभी वहाँ मत रखियेगा जहाँ.. आपको ही बताना पड़े की आप नाराज हो |
Never keep resentment where... You have to tell me that you are angry |
These fun attitude Shayaris are shared and appreciated on social platforms and also allow the boys to showcase their unique personalities. Expressing their opinions with their attitude words can attract other users more.
These Shayaris pack a very cold punch and leave a lasting impression, while also embodying a fierce and unapologetic attitude. Such Shayaris are very popular among teenagers.
ख्वाब टूटे है मगर हौंसले जिन्दा है, हम तो वो है जिन्हें देख के मुश्किलें भी शर्मिंदा है !! |
Dreams are broken but spirits are alive, We are those whom even difficulties are ashamed to see!! |
बड़ी से बड़ी हस्ती मिट गयी मुझे झुकाने मे बेटा , तू तो कोशिश भी मत करना तेरी उम्र गुजर जायगी मुझे गिराने मे। |
The biggest personality got destroyed in making me bow down, son. Don't even try, you will spend all your life trying to bring me down. |
तेरा घमंड तो दो दिन की कहानी है रानी, पर मेरी ये अकड़ तो खानदानी है। |
Your pride is a story of two days, queen. But this arrogance of mine is hereditary. |
These Killer Shayaris are distinguished by their bold and impactful features and are intended to inspire people to stand out and be themselves boldly and confidently.
In short, Attitude Shayari In Hindi has a variety of expressions, and different Shayari can resonate with people from different backgrounds. Be it boys on Instagram, girls on WhatsApp or those looking for a killer attitude, these Shayaris find their niche and attract a group of others with the same mindset. These Hindi attitude literature has brought a wave of Internet age trends to Indian men, women and children.